Our network is run by Early Career Scientists for Early Career Scientists engaged in iLEAPS-related research. Here are the current members of the ECSN Organising Committee.

Our goal is to establish a strong community of researchers across disciplines, institutions and geographical locations by providing opportunities to meet and engage with other members of the community. We do this via workshops and training events, and via our Regional Network pages. You can check out our forthcoming activities, and a (non-exhaustive) list of job and funding opportunities for iLEAPS ECS via our Regional Networks. And if you have any comments, suggestions or queries that's also the way to get in touch with one of us via our WEBSITE or at @iLEAPS_ECSN.

The Early Career Scientists' Network is also a great way to connect with established scientists from iLEAPS disciplines, who are also actively involved in our activities.

Regional Networks

  • North America (Pat Keys)
  • Latin America (Stefan Wolff)
  • Europe & Mediterranean (Gemma Purser)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (Kerneels Jaars)
  • South Asia & Middle East (Saurabh Sonwani)
  • SE Asia & Pacific (Eliani Ezani)