
New Zealand



During March 2021, iLEAPS hosted a series of four webinars to engage our research network as we reschedule our Open Science Meeting in New Zealand to take place in Spring 2022. The research webinars covered topics from air quality-climate interactions in South Asia (March 16), to microbial soil ecology and the carbon cycle (March 18), to semi-arid land-atmosphere interactions (March 23), and to how COVID-19 has indirectly affected forest ecosystem services (March 25). The webinars provided an opportunity for early-career scientists to engage with a panel of experts from around the globe, with sessions coordinated by iLEAPS steering committee members from Italy, China, New Zealand, and India. Each session had 4-5 short talks, followed by time for discussion and interaction with the panel.  Please see theyYoutube link to the recordings of the meeting sessions below: 

All times provided in the schedule are in UTC

Tuesday 16th March 1.30-16.00

Land Atmosphere Interactions and Impacts on Climate, Air Quality and Ecosystems over South Asia



Thursday 18th March – 13.00-15.00

The role of soil and microorganisms in affecting the global carbon and water cycles



Tuesday 23rd March – 08.30 – 10.50

Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Arid & Semi-arid Environments



Thursday 25th March – 13.00 – 15.00

Urban Forests provide Ecosystem Services in times of COVID-19
