
Florence, Italy



Following the success of the conference Ozone and Plants held in Beijing in May 2014, we are pleased to announce this follow-up conference.

Ozone pollution continues to be a serious issue for terrestrial ecosystems and plant health. Progress has been achieved by controlling the emission of precursors in some areas of the world, but much remains to be done. This conference will allow all experts in the interactions between ozone and plant ecosystems to meet and discuss the state of the art and the strategies for continuous improvements

The main subjects of the conference are:

  1. Monitoring, modelling and assessing the risk of ozone damage to plant ecosystems
  2. How plant ecosystems affect ozone concentration in the atmosphere
  3. How plant ecosystems respond to ozone exposure

For more details, please check the website https://conference2018.wixsite.com/ozoneandplants.

We look forward to meeting you in Florence!

With our best regards

*The Organizers*

Elena Paoletti, CNR Italy (Program Chair)